Embrace the Law of Detachment for Inner Peace

There will be numerous people discussing the law of detachment. If you’re here, I am assuming you don’t need the baby definition. The tagline that must’ve caught your attention is probably the ‘law of detachment’ is a prerequisite for the success. Well, if this has not lured you into reading this article. You are welcome.

Life has always been shrouded in mystery, and everyone has glimpses of it. People often claim that detachment is frightening, but it’s actually the opposite. Consider this scenario: you purchase a lottery ticket, envisioning a chance to win. The following day, the results are revealed, and you find out you didn’t win. Now, two situations arise:

1. You vow never to buy a lottery ticket again out of fear of losing.
2. You continue buying tickets, and the cycle repeats.

The essence of this magical law lies in the second scenario. When you refuse to let the outcome of something impact your daily life or routine, that’s where the journey toward detachment begins. I understand that the example above may seem trivial, but I wanted it to be relatable to everyone.

“Detachment is scary.” I mean, why wouldn’t it be? The sense of liberation often intimidates the faint-hearted. You might question me, “Why does detachment often lead to success?” The answer is: it doesn’t. Success stems from consistency, which arises when you focus on continuous improvement while striving toward your goals. You’ll find yourself less stressed and anxious when you’re not fixated on the end result.

I’m no monk who can offer you a magical potion for instant liberation. Hey, but if I could, I would. My concept of detachment stems from a quote I read two years ago, which originates from the holy book of Sikhism, and it states:

ਹੁਕਮ ਅੰਦਰ ਸਭ ਕੋ, ਬਾਹਰ ਹੁਕਮ ਨਾ ਕੋਈ।

This implies that whatever God has planned will occur regardless of your intervention. One question that lingered in my mind was: “If everything is already planned by God, should I cease working and simply allow life to unfold?” That’s amusing, isn’t it? But you must read between the lines. It doesn’t mean that the Lord will grant you something that you don’t deserve or haven’t worked hard enough for. Pardon me! I am not infatuated with luck. Rather, it suggests that for outcomes beyond your control, the Lord will take care of them.

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Surrendering to the supreme lord and universe is what ignites the path towards the detachment. That’s about the law that you are intrigued about. Hold your horses! I know you are dying to get to the steps to master this law. Let’s look at that also.

  • Know what you can’t control

The idea is to have a clear understanding of what is within your control. When you are able to understand and draw a fine line between what you can and can’t control, this calls for celebration. People often overlook this simple step and wander online to search for the shortcut to attain inner peace. It’ll take a lot of self-awareness to get to this point.

Remember to take things one day at a time. Life may present unexpected challenges, but perceive them as detours rather than dead ends.

  • Stop devouring validations

In this social-media era, we seek validations from everyone. We aspire to take on the role of the protagonist and wish for others to perceive us in a similar manner. The hunger to get validated is so intense that we want it no matter the consequences. One fine day, when people don’t give you that crown, you try to escape the castle.

Law of detachment

Seeking validation ties us to attachment. But hey, we’re practicing detachment, aren’t we? So, the rule is to refrain from attaching ourselves to validation. When you receive a compliment, accept it, express gratitude, and then let it go. Don’t feel compelled to live up to it. In other words, stop engaging in behaviors to elicit compliments, especially when you don’t even need them.

Remember to seek validation from yourself and not others.

  • Dive into the unknown

This is where you’ll struggle the most if you’re a comfort lover like me. Walking into unknown territory terrifies me. I’m the type of person who plans everything meticulously, and when things don’t go as planned, panic sets in. However, embracing uncertainty can be exhilarating. To conquer the first step, this should be your starting point. The more you expose yourself to such situations, the easier it becomes to relinquish control and experience the magic that people often talk about.

Accept the things as they are and you’ll see the abundant possibilities that the world is ready to bless you with. Leave your cocoon for the better.

  • Failure is blessing in disguise

We are often captivated by successful individuals, conditioned to perceive failure as the embodiment of evil. We strive for success without recognizing that failure serves as a crucial learning opportunity. By overcoming this inherent fear, we unlock doors to new possibilities and foster growth in all aspects of life.

Keep in mind the importance of maintaining a learner’s mindset, as it enables you to release fear. This is the key to achieving inner peace and embracing detachment. Upon reflection, you may realize how straightforward this process truly is. Got you! I’m just teasing.

As you embark on this journey, you may encounter moments of doubt, questioning whether you’re becoming emotionally detached. But ask yourself: Are you?


Ps : I’ll see you guys again with another topic that messes with my mind and catches my eye. 

By admin

I love everything the life has to offer. You’ll either find me napping or travelling. And I write in between ✨

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